Wednesday, March 14, 2018

7 Things About Restaurant Branding Agency: Why To Hire?

You might think whether it is at all important to hire an agency for branding when you already have an internal team to handle the work. When it comes to the business of restaurant a branding agency has a surprisingly important role to play as you need to deal with visitors all the time and there are tiers in the target audience which makes it difficult to develop the brand identity. When the people in the restaurant are already wearing too many hats and serving their roles with responsible it is pointless to involve them for the business of branding. A quick look at these reasons will help you consolidate the decision of hiring a branding agency.

1.      Devoting the time

Unless you have an agency supporting you with the task of branding you cannot risk the idea of a half-hearted job when it comes to handling the brand as it has a deep impact on the overall business. Just remember that the customers associate with the brand and not just the food and décor. When you hire a Restaurant Branding Agency tell them clearly about your set up and the requirements.

Restaurant Design Concepts

2.      Inconsistency of brand

You might have a fully trained team in the office to take care of the needs of branding and even though you have imparted training, employees leave suddenly. Before hiring Restaurant Branding Agency you can take a look at the services of and then feel confident about the decision to be taken. For improving the brand image as well you need to hire their services.

3.      Skills of the agency

This is primary as branding is a concept which requires special skills and expertise and not really the sundry cup of tea. It is a series of convoluted ideas which is possibly handled by experts in the field of marketing and experts with adequate experience.

4.      Value of experience

When you hire branding agency you are able to access a group of experts who can help you with idea irrespective of the size of the business. The chances are that experts in this field will have wide range and have the propensity to handle the most difficult branding issues.

5.      Designing the strategies

What makes the brand of your restaurant click and how you are different than your competitors?  While this is the job of experts there is no point in playing with a few strategies of branding. Experts can tell you about the market movements and how even the slightest paradigm change can affect your business.

Restaurant Design Concepts

6.      Gaining the perspective

With the help of branding experts you gain a lot of perspectives about branding and there are ideas with which you can experiment to get the desired results.

7.      Saving money

Contrary to what you think about hiring a branding agency and the money that you need to spend it is the other way round as you save money and earn more profits when your brand gets recognition in the world of restaurant business.

Making your way

When it comes to handling different aspects of restaurant business and especially branding it is necessary that you consult the experts.

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Monday, March 5, 2018

10 Stylish Restaurant Interior Design Ideas Around The World

A good interior design can do as much for the restaurant than anything else. After all, nothing captivates the mind of the audience as much as it does for anything else. Whether it is a cafe, restaurant or an eatery the concept of designing the interior not only takes a lot of time but it creates the avenue for multiple profits. There is no denying the fact that a stylish interior is the first thing that the visitors look for when entering a restaurant and along with this it is the ambiance also plays a significant role. Taking a look at the ten most stylish interior designs can help.

Restaurant Design Concepts

1.      The Rockwell Group

When you look for Restaurant Interior Design Ideas the theatrical setting of this restaurant cannot be overlooked. Designed with effort and made to last the chic appearance, the elegance, and the opulence comes from every corner.

2.      Nobu Berkeley Street

The appearance and the design of this restaurant are unique and nature is truly its inspiration and it has won awards for the finest curves and patterns that can be seen all around in the designs. For the best Restaurant Interior Design Ideas, you can talk to the experts of Focus - F&B to know more about some of the most influencing ideas. This agency has been offering designing concepts for a long time.

3.      Lady Bund in Shanghai

The fusion concept of the design in this restaurant has won scores of accolades and there is the right mix of Asian and European culture. In fact, the restaurant is not only lively but has a cozy atmosphere as well.

4.      The Gallery Art Sketch in London

The soothing and the comprehensive designing of the interior grab the attention of the customers to a great extent. In fact, the monochromatic hue is far more than inspiring and the shade is romantic.

5.      Nando’s in Ashford

The lofty restaurant has an appeal which is hard to overlook and the combination of wood and metalwork embraces your heart and mind.

6.      Ozone in Hong Kong

This restaurant is located at the top of the fifteen floors which defines its unique appeal and the theme of nature in a world which is imaginary offers full of surprises to the visitors.

7.      Alain Ducasse

Designed in the format of a gem you have perhaps never come across such an extraordinary and spectacular idea in which softness and pomp come out from everywhere.

8.      Supper club in Singapore

The designing concept of this restaurant is uniform and much of it is owed to the experts who have created the idea of lunging and eating together.

9.      La Cava in UAE

This restaurant resembles a wine cellar in which you can enjoy the live experience. The cabinets and the storage are marvelous.

10.  Carlo e Camilla

This restaurant has the setting of sawmill of the ancient times and has now been converted to a place for fine dining.

Interior designing ideas

The design in the interior part of every restaurant intends to create the finest impression and it has to be exotic in the real sense. Consulting the services of experts can help you understand how the designing concepts can change the appearance of a restaurant forever.

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Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Infographic: Restaurant Service Culture Coaching

Focus F&B is focused on creating a sustainable culture where service becomes second-nature and is not a daily struggle. We begin all of our coaching classes with an extensive session on creating that culture, discussing why working in your organization matters, how do they see their role, how it impacts the organization, and how to be culture-builders.

Monday, January 29, 2018

How To Use Restaurant Consulting Company To Create A Successful Business

Are you in a dilemma regarding what steps to take for starting a restaurant business of your own? You can get assistance by hiring specialists. These consulting companies have a team of experts who work side by side with the restaurant owners. The folks discuss with the owners of the restaurant and give them all the necessary information. They will provide you guidance regarding the steps that need to be taken to make a business successful. The advice can range from interior decor, accounting, financial to the selection of menu.

Restaurant Management Consultant

Some benefits:

The restaurant consulting company as discussed on the website of Focus-FB can turn your longtime dream into reality. Continue to read to discover some of the reasons which are responsible for their services being beneficial.

•    Vast experience:

The inexperienced businessmen who are just venturing out in this field can gain immensely by relying on these experienced professionals. The restaurant consulting company has a team full of specialists with several years of experience supporting them.

•    Keeps a tab on the sector:

These consulting firms are not just involved in your business. They have the opportunity to handle other restaurants also. In this way, they can keep a tab of the vital events taking place in this sector.

•    Latest trends:

They can watch from close quarters regarding the current developments in this industrial sector. So if you hire their services, you will be benefitted too because you will get a scope to have a grasp of the latest trends and you can make adjustments accordingly.

Restaurant Design Concepts

Access to media channels:

Many small business concerns handle the public relations activities by themselves. Other firms prefer to hire specialists for this purpose.

•    Close association:

One of the significant advantages of working with a specialist is that they have an intimate bonding with the media platforms.

•    Media exposure:

As an individual, you may not have accessibility to several of those channels. It is their assistance which makes it easy to access numerous media channels.

Other aspects:

It is always a tough job to prepare the menu of the restaurant. Since the consultants work closely with the rest of the sector, they can keep you informed about the recent trends and based on that you can make the updates.

•    Avoid troublemakers:

The type of employees you hire will have a massive impact on the running of the business. Troublesome employees cause a lot of disturbance in the workplace.

•    Hire the right guys:

If you have professional employees working for you, then this will lead to your way to success. These consultants will help you in hiring the right kind of employees.

Make the perfect selection:

Just like any other business you have to take the help of the right consulting firm. Choice of an appropriate company is not an easy task. You can ask around for some references. Maybe your friends and members of the family will be able to suggest you some names of organizations which they may have utilized. You should also search online. Do not forget to go through the reviews of past clients. All these points will help you to arrive at a well-informed decision.

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Follow us on FacebookLinkedinTwitterInstagram and subscribe to our YouTube channel. Reach us at or call us by Phone: 912-312-2919.
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Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Sensual Concepts – Creating your Restaurant Brand

Concept creation is such a very important process. One in which you should spend a great deal of time and effort much more than people generally do. After all, it will be the personality of your restaurant, your labor of love, for years to come. The decisions that you make during this process should not be taken lightly. In this day and age, where there are so many great restaurants, guests will only return to and tell others about, the ones that are truly memorable and that they can connect with on a deeper level.


As your concept creation consultant, I would begin by asking you a series of questions. Basically, interview you and find out all your deepest thoughts about what you want to the restaurant to be: what is your focus, your dream, and vision for your restaurant? Once I get a clear understanding of what’s in your head, I will research starting with the area restaurants to evaluate what the competition is doing. For instance, what are the top 10 comp-set restaurants doing? Then, I would evaluate all equivalent style concepts in the area to see if there are any missing concepts, which may fit the bill, or help us find any other needs that can be filled. It does not have to be necessarily a specific type of cuisine; it certainly can be, but you do need to have a distinct theme and personality. This persona will set the tone for how the restaurant is run, how it is marketed, and how it is viewed in the public eye. The goal is to create something that is memorable, inspiring, exciting, and unique. A concept that will show creativity, sensuality, style, and personality.

The next step will be the Concept Creation. Based on research and your vision, I will draw up three concept boards that depict three separate ideas/possibilities for you. The concept board will show visually, the name and theme outline, all in a quick view format and design look. This helps us narrow down the direction to one concept. From there, I will create the final presentation concept.
The final deliverable will contain a name, style, design elements, décor, music, lighting, menu outline, and beverage highlights, events that speak to the concept, the look, and style of the server, as well as, approach and wardrobe. It will contain marketing solutions that tie into the concept, tableware, and table-top presentation. I provide an all-inclusive package that you can really use to launch and brand, or rebrand, your restaurant.


Would do you like to fire someone today?

“It’s not the person you fail to hire that destroys your restaurant; it’s the person you fail to fire”. I read this last week and thought that it was all too true in many cases! We knew better but failed to act! The renowned Osmond’s song above implies one bad apple doesn’t spoil the bunch, but we know from experience, it’s quite the contrary.

One Bad Apple

In this world where we endeavor to be supportive and understanding, living in an environment where we never want to upset anyone, we sometimes miss the boat on what our staff really needs from us as leaders, and that is making those tough decisions. Believe me, the rest of the team usually knows what needs to be done and wonder why you are not addressing it.

I am not suggesting that you go after your team with a vengeance. Simply evaluate if there is anyone you are keeping around that should not be there. When you read the title of this article, who did you think of? Is there someone in your organization that can be rotting the rest of the barrel?

Staff will often complain that they do not like all the rules and regulations and being held accountable, but if they don’t see that accountability happening, they get the impression that no one cares. In turn, some of your best staff who works really hard will be leaving your establishment in a heartbeat! Who wants to work in an environment where no-one cares? We all thrive when we know that someone cares, is watching what we do, that hard work will be recognized, and those who don’t work hard will be dealt with swiftly.

Your team deserves this, and although at times this may seem like an unnecessarily harsh reality, it is what will keep your staff around feeling proud of what they do and staying motivated.

So, don’t be afraid to lay down the law, hold your team accountable, and drive [gently] the team towards the goal. Being afraid to upset the apple cart has never been a great strategy. Remember these three things:

o   Involve the team in creating the rules, when practical
o   Communicate the rules to all ahead of time – along with the consequences
o   Hold everyone accountable, including your best team members, and yourself!

If you do this unemotionally, timely, and fairly, you will lead your team in the right direction resulting in an outstanding and positive work environment.

Wednesday, December 13, 2017


Why has Sunday brunch disappeared in many of our great hotels and resorts?

The answer must be the profitability. Too often we are focused on trying to make sure that each event that we do contributes and is a profit center for the hotel while we should be looking at the big picture of what the food and beverage venues bring to the hotel.


F&B should be the face (the personality) of the hotel: one that makes each visit a memorable one, not a dull and uninspired meal where the guests eat out of necessity! Dining out in your restaurant should be an experience, not a necessity. If we have pride and excitement about what we do, this will reflect on their experience and will result in having busy, lively, and memorable places for our guests to eat, drink, and be merry!

Sunday Brunch is just one of the things that we can do to show off what we can do, both to hotel guests and local clientele alike; brunch should be something that will be talked about, photographed, and tweeted about. You cannot buy that kind of publicity. It does not always have to be about profit! In the long term, building reputations like this will help your restaurant and hotel traffic. Having creative and exciting food and beverage options will make your hotel more than just a collection of rooms!

We need to, of course, be financially responsible, and we can’t lose money on these types of events. However, this can be great PR for the restaurant and hotel.

For many of us, this is why we got into this business, and we should not forget that passion. So don’t be afraid to show what you can do. Go for it. Let’s put an end to dull, boring and lifeless restaurants!
