Why has Sunday brunch disappeared in many of our great hotels and resorts?
The answer must be the profitability. Too often we are focused on trying to make sure that each event that we do contributes and is a profit center for the hotel while we should be looking at the big picture of what the food and beverage venues bring to the hotel.

F&B should be the face (the personality) of the hotel: one that makes each visit a memorable one, not a dull and uninspired meal where the guests eat out of necessity! Dining out in your restaurant should be an experience, not a necessity. If we have pride and excitement about what we do, this will reflect on their experience and will result in having busy, lively, and memorable places for our guests to eat, drink, and be merry!
Sunday Brunch is just one of the things that we can do to show off what we can do, both to hotel guests and local clientele alike; brunch should be something that will be talked about, photographed, and tweeted about. You cannot buy that kind of publicity. It does not always have to be about profit! In the long term, building reputations like this will help your restaurant and hotel traffic. Having creative and exciting food and beverage options will make your hotel more than just a collection of rooms!
We need to, of course, be financially responsible, and we can’t lose money on these types of events. However, this can be great PR for the restaurant and hotel.
For many of us, this is why we got into this business, and we should not forget that passion. So don’t be afraid to show what you can do. Go for it. Let’s put an end to dull, boring and lifeless restaurants!